Mechanics and Setting
General Brolynn looked out over the battlefield. The war had been a tough one, but the final battle was taking place, and he knew his unit was going to be key to victory. An ogre stepped out of the mass of fighting bodies and leered at Brolynn and his unit of soldiers. "Attack!" One of his knights rushed forward and began attacking the ogre. The rest stood still. "I said, Attack!" Another knight rushed forward to begin swinging at the ogre. Brolynn just stared at the others. "Uh, what did you want us to do, General?" asked one. "Attack!" "Oh, okay!" A third knight rushed towards the ogre. The ogre took a swipe at one of the knights. Brolynn looked at the other two knights under his command. "Well?" "Hey, General?" asked the first one that had joined the fray. "What did you want me to do again?" Epic storytelling at its finest, right? The mechanics of an RPG should help the characters to act in accorda...