Synergy in Fantasy
Magic can do a lot in fantasy gaming. Not everything, but a lot. And where it's lacking, is where technology comes in. We were talking about this with a friend when dealing with world-building, and he was discussing making it low-tech. We asked, 'why?' "Well, there's magic, so tech isn't needed." If this were true, then you're talking about a stone age culture, right? "Well, no. They have swords and armour, and stuff." That's technology. So, where do you draw the line, then? Our thought is... you don't. And we explained it to him. First and foremost, magic isn't omnipresent. It doesn't permeate every aspect of society. Farmers don't wave a hand to seed their fields or harvest. Masons and architects don't cast spells to build temples and palaces. Swordsmiths don't chant to mould a bar of steel into a sword. Scribes don't use spells to copy books. Are there spells that do any of that? Just maybe. Is it common ? M...